人物生平 刘喜(?—公元前193年):又名刘仲,沛郡丰邑(今江苏丰县)人,汉高祖刘邦的次兄(二哥)。 生平事迹 公元前200年,刘邦下诏将刘仲和自己的长子刘肥(刘邦的曹氏所生)一同封为王。刘仲被封为代王,统辖今河北、山西一带。 代国为北方边境重地,所以当匈奴于公元前199年入侵代国时,身为代王却毫无军事才能的刘仲根本无力坚守边疆,最后只好弃国独自逃回洛阳。 刘邦对此大为恼怒,便于公元前199年10月下诏革去刘仲的王位,贬为合阳侯。 Liu Zong, also known as Liu Qi, was born in Pei County (now Fenyang City, Jiangsu Province). He was the younger brother of Han Gaozu (Emperor Gao), the founder of the Han Dynasty. In 200 BCE, Emperor Gao bestowed upon his brother and eldest son a simultaneous royal title. As a result, Liu Zong became the King of Dai with jurisdiction over present-day Hebei and Shanxi.

However, when the Xiongnu invaded Dai in 199 BCE during Liu Zong's reign without any military prowess to defend against them effectively leading to his retreat back to Luoyang. Emperor Gao was furious at this failure and subsequently stripped him of his kingship in October 199 BCE by demoting him from being a king to become an Earl of Hengyang. After serving for six years as an earl before dying under depression in 193 BCE.

Liu Zong had two sons: The elder son named Liubo who became known for his talent and martial skills during Prince Gongming's rebellion against Han Wudi; he later founded the Kingdom of Wu as its first ruler. His younger son named Liusuo also served on campaigns but ranked only number 127 among those honored by rewards after death.

Family Background The origins of the surname "Liu" date back to Yao or Shun times when one descendant called Jili received fiefdoms within various dynasties such as Xia and Zhou eventually becoming part of Qin dynasty’s ruling family through intermarriage with royal lineage until they were exiled due to political turmoil whereupon they returned home settling down again near Tang city now parting ways between their descendants while another branch found itself taking refuge amongst other rulers like Duke Ling whose family members included influential figures throughout Chinese history including some key generals fighting alongside legendary heroes such as Sima Qian .