
首先, lamps in ancient times were not only used for lighting but also served as a symbol of wealth and status. In the Tang Dynasty, the emperor's palace was said to have been lit by thousands of lanterns, which became a symbol of power and prosperity. This led to the phrase "a thousand lights illuminating the capital" becoming synonymous with grandeur.

Secondly, lanterns played an important role in traditional festivals such as Mid-Autumn Festival and Dragon Boat Festival. During these celebrations, people would often release sky lanterns into the air as a wish for good luck and fortune. This practice has given rise to various sayings related to these events.

Thirdly, there is a famous Chinese idiom "to light one's way through difficulties" (指点江山), which refers to guiding others through difficult times or providing direction when faced with challenges. The story behind this idiom involves a wise old man who uses his lamp to light up dark paths for travelers during storms.

Fourthly, some idioms are closely linked with specific types of lamps or lighting methods. For example "to make do with what you have" (用蜡烛光照) comes from using candles instead of better lighting sources due to poverty or limited resources.

Fifthly, certain stories involving lamps have become part of Chinese folklore. One well-known tale tells about an ordinary fisherman who accidentally catches the Golden Fish that grants wishes upon being released back into water. The fisherman wishes for wisdom rather than wealth or power and thus becomes known as Confucius – another testament to how humble beginnings can lead great achievements.

Lastly, modern-day China still values its cultural heritage by incorporating elements from traditional stories into contemporary art forms like films and stage plays that showcase their unique historical context while resonating with contemporary audiences worldwide.

In conclusion, lamps hold more than just physical significance; they represent our collective memory through time-honored expressions woven together from shared experiences across generations – showcasing how even simple objects can carry profound meaning within them when seen through the lens of history & culture