



然而,在处理与中国的问题时,岸田文雄也表达了自己的看法。他认为,无论是在历史还是现实层面上,都需要Japan to take a careful approach towards China. He believes that the two countries have a wide range of mutual interests, and Japan should strive for dialogue and cooperation rather than confrontation.

But at the same time, he also made it clear that Japan will not compromise on its core interests, including territorial disputes such as Senkaku Islands. He emphasized that these issues are non-negotiable and will not be resolved through unilateral actions.

In short, under the leadership of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Japan is expected to adopt a more nuanced approach towards China. While maintaining its sovereignty and security concerns, Japan will also seek to engage in dialogue and cooperation with China on areas of mutual interest.

As we look back at the history of Sino-Japanese relations, we must remember the lessons of the past. We must not forget the pain and suffering inflicted upon our ancestors by colonialism and war. But we must also recognize that today's world is different from yesterday's world.

We can choose to move forward together, building bridges instead of walls. We can choose to work together for peace, stability, and prosperity in East Asia.

So let us welcome Prime Minister Kishida's new administration with an open mind. Let us hope that his government will make wise decisions based on historical facts rather than emotions or prejudices.

And let us remember always: history may repeat itself if we do not learn from it.