朱提斯在生下明眸(俗典娜)之后,又要生下一个女儿来颠覆宙斯的统治,但为了避免这一预言成真,宙斯以甜言蜜语骗过了她,将其吞入自己腹内。随后,宙斯因为头痛而请求赫淮士托挖开自己的头颅,从中跳出了一名美丽女子,这便是波洛斯特his story is like the deepest words in the heaven and earth.
According to myth, his mother was Metis, a Titan goddess who was known for her wisdom. However, before giving birth to him, she was swallowed by Zeus fearing that she would give birth to a child who could overthrow him. As a result of this event, there are no clear records of his life or death.
Despite this lack of information about his personal life, it is said that he had some characteristics similar to those of Aphrodite's son Eros (Cupid). Both were described as being skilled hunters and magicians with many talents. They were also known for their cunning and bravery.
The poet Homer mentions Poros in his work "Theogony," describing him as the god of plenty and abundance. He is also mentioned in other ancient Greek texts such as Hesiod's "Works and Days" where he is referred to as one of the primordial gods created by Chaos.
In addition to these references, Poros has appeared in various forms throughout history including art and literature. He has been depicted as a handsome young man with wings holding a bow and arrows while standing on an eagle or riding on a chariot pulled by two horses.
Poros' role in mythology varies depending on the source but generally he represents fertility and abundance both natural resources