对于她的死因,一直存在争议,有人认为是黄中美所杀,而另一些资料则否认此说法。即便如此,这段爱情故事已经成为了一部历史剧,对后世影响深远。chapter 7 of the book "Mao's Great Famine" by Roderick MacFarquhar and Michael Schoenhals.
The story of chapter 7 is about the famine that occurred in China during the late 1950s. The famine was caused by a combination of natural disasters, poor agricultural policies, and political repression. It resulted in an estimated death toll of between 20 million to 45 million people.
The chapter describes how Mao Zedong, the leader of China at the time, believed that he could control the weather and therefore ordered peasants to grow more grain than usual. This led to widespread crop failures and food shortages. Additionally, Mao's policies such as collectivization and forced labor further exacerbated the situation.
The chapter also discusses how some intellectuals were persecuted during this period for speaking out against Mao's policies or questioning his leadership. Many were sent to reeducation camps or executed.
Overall, this chapter provides a detailed account of one of the worst famines in Chinese history and highlights its causes and consequences.
MacFarquhar, R., & Schoenhals, M. (2008). Mao's great famine: The impact of policy on people.
London: Hurst & Company.
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