








然而,在这同时,这个时期也是对外扩张政策取得成功的时候,为此她大量使用金钱来吸引高级官员加入政府,从而巩固自己的权威。此外,还通过修建寺庙等方式来增加自身声望,并借助于这些机构进行宣扬 herself 的光辉形象。此举对于提高自身的地位极为有利,因为它体现了她对宗教与艺术等方面关注度高,对于维护帝国内部稳定起到了积极作用。

五、高潮迭至——文藝復興與 佛學研究

随着时间推移,当时经历了许多变化之一就是文化上的繁荣。当时,“文艺复兴”是一个流行词汇,那时候各种各样的诗歌和绘画出现得无处不在,而书籍也变得普及起来。其中很多作品都是为了表达对当时领导者的赞美,这使得当时人们认为他们生活在一个非常特殊的地方,那里充满了希望与梦想。而这个过程中,无疑地Buddhism played a major role in the cultural revival.

Buddhism had been introduced to China more than 1,000 years ago, and it had established itself as one of the three main religions in Chinese society. It emphasized compassion, wisdom and non-violence which were highly valued by the people at that time. The Buddhist teachings provided a moral framework for individuals to live their lives according to the principles of Buddhism. They also served as an alternative source of authority for those who felt dissatisfied with Confucian or Taoist teachings.

The emperor's patronage of Buddhism was not just a matter of personal preference but also strategic decision-making. By supporting Buddhist institutions and activities, she could gain support from influential Buddhists and use them as a counterbalance against other power groups within her administration.

In conclusion, this article has demonstrated how Wu Zetian used religion particularly Buddhism to consolidate her political power during her reign as Emperor. Through various measures such as promoting arts culture literature education etc., she managed to create an atmosphere where people could feel comfortable with her rule while maintaining stability across different regions within China's vast territories. Her legacy remains significant in understanding how religious belief can be leveraged effectively in politics even today.