The Creation of the World and Pangu: In ancient Chinese mythology, the creation story revolves around Pangu, a gigantic creature who emerged from an egg at the beginning of time. As he stirred inside the egg, it cracked open and released him into a world filled with chaos. Pangu then separated yin and yang, creating heaven and earth.

The Eight Immortals: These eight gods represent different aspects of life in Chinese culture - longevity, strength, martial arts expertise, beauty, wisdom etc., each embodying unique qualities that people aspire to achieve in their lives.

Chang'e & Her Moon Palace: According to legend Chang'e was once an ordinary woman who accidentally consumed an elixir meant for immortality which caused her to ascend to the moon where she resides with her pet rabbit.

The Monkey King Sun Wukong: A mischievous monkey born from a stone after being blessed by Buddha's magic; his adventures are immortalized in Journey To The West as he travels across China spreading Buddhism while facing numerous challenges along the way.

Nezha & His Magical Wheels: Known as one of China's most beloved mythical characters Nezha is known for his magical powers particularly his ability to create powerful wheels used for both transportation and defense against evil forces.

Meng Po (Forgetfulness Tea): A tea brewed by Meng Po Goddess Of Forgetfulness given only when one has reached enlightenment or is about to enter Nirvana; it erases all memories making it impossible for them to return back down into reincarnation cycle.

7.The White Bone Demon Queen: An extremely powerful demon queen who seeks revenge on Tang Sanzang due to past events but ultimately falls in love with him after realizing her true nature as well as learning compassion through friendship formed during their journey together in Journey To The West.

8.Xiwangmu (Queen Of Heaven): Also known as Hsi Wang Mu is considered one of China's three great goddesses; she rules over heavens' west peak holding immense power over both heaven and hell often seen helping heroes reach higher realms or granting them wisdom needed during difficult times within their journeys.