然而,我们不能简单地就这样一概而论。可以认为,从一定程度上来说,尽管 武則天未能完全按照儒家的规范来行事,但她仍然试图通过各种方式保持与传统文化的一定联系。一方面,她颁布了一系列法典,比如《贞观律》,这些都体现出了明显的道德标准,并且在一定程度上遵循了 儿子李旦即位后的制度安排,这显示出至少表面的承认对于维护社会秩序、确立合法性所需遵循的一些基本原理。
总结而言,由于缺乏充分证据证明 武則坦 对於傳統學說有著深刻理解,我们只能说在 hers reign 中she tried to maintain certain connections with traditional culture. Although she was not entirely faithful to the Confucian ideals, her rule did contribute to a certain level of cultural flourishing and stability. This suggests that while she may have had a pragmatic approach to governance, there were still aspects of her policies that acknowledged the importance of preserving cultural heritage.
In conclusion, despite the fact that Wu Zetian's reign was marked by many controversies and power struggles, it is important not to dismiss her legacy without considering its complexities. Her impact on Chinese history extends beyond mere political machinations; it also includes contributions to literature, art and other cultural pursuits. As such, we must recognize that Wu Zetian's relationship with Confucianism was more nuanced than simply dismissing or embracing it outright.
The question remains whether Wu Zetian truly understood and respected traditional Confucian thought in all its complexity. While this article has highlighted some instances where she demonstrated an appreciation for cultural preservation and intellectual pursuits, further research is needed to fully understand the depth of her engagement with these issues during her time as emperor.
As historians continue their study into China's rich past they will undoubtedly uncover more information about this enigmatic figure who defied convention at every turn yet still managed to leave an indelible mark on Chinese history.