



随着时间推移,这些提坦们逐渐成长壮大,其中克罗诺斯展现出非凡勇气和智慧,他最终成为家族中的领袖。然而,当他们对抗父亲乌拉诺斯特opped his reign, and Gaea's anger towards Uranus for imprisoning her children led to their eventual overthrow of him.

Gaea's influence extended beyond the divine realm; she was revered as a goddess of fertility, agriculture, and the earth. People would swear oaths in her name, regarding her as a sacred figure. She was also believed to be the mother of humanity and the receiver of souls after death.

As Greek society transitioned from matriarchal to patriarchal societies, Gaea's status began to decline. Despite this, her worship persisted due to her association with the land that provided sustenance and stability for humans.