神话中的这个角色充满了复杂的情感和命运纠葛。在一个小道上的传说里,杨藩曾经听闻过一个关于他的谜语:他是一个徒弟,但究竟是谁,这个问题留给后人无限猜测。而在另一则戏剧《仄杨胆》中,他还有一个兄弟叫做杨胆,他们一起报复了 薛丁山征西后的惨痛。
电视剧《年夜唐女将樊梨花》也提到过关于杨藩的秘密,那就是他其实是李建成先人的转世。但这是否真的如此,只能留给观众去探索和想象。Yang Alin's story is a legend in the play "Xue Dingshan Zhenxi". Yang Alin plays the role of the commander of Black Tiger Close, who is brave and powerful. However, he holds a grudge against the women of the Xue family and Lin Hua, which leads him to plot against them.
According to legend, during a battle at Cold Jiang Close on New Year's Eve, Yang Alin planned to defeat Xue Renqi but was killed by Lin Hua. He was filled with hatred towards Lin Hua and the women of the Xue family, believing they had wronged him. In another battle, Yang Alin was attacked by Lin Hua and eventually killed by her adopted son Xue Yinglong.
This character in mythology is full of complex emotions and fates intertwined. According to a legend on a small road, Yang Alin once heard about his own riddle: he is an apprentice but who exactly he is remains unknown for us to ponder over endlessly. And in another drama called "Zengyangdan", there is also his brother named Zengyangdan who avenges together with him after Xuedingshan's return from westward journey.
In TV series "Ancient Tang Female General Lin Hua", it also mentions that Yang Alin has been shouting for someone respected up high saying that Yang Alin used to be Li Jiancheng before death. Whether this really happened or not leaves room for speculation among viewers only.