








尽管如此,Horemheb仍然担任军队总司令,并率领埃及军队抵抗北方来的赫梯人。如果他确实曾经在Amenhotep III手下服役,那么面对Akhenaten下的挫败感一定巨大,因为铭文表明,在Akhenaten期间,无论如何强大的Egyptian军队都无法战胜敌人的挑战。这被认为是因为国王因其强烈的宗教信仰而忽视外交和国内事务。




然而Ankhesamun写信给Heretic King Suppiluliuma I要求送她一个儿子作为她的丈夫。她拒绝嫁给Ay(可能是她的祖父),想要一个她可以相信具有相同血脉关系的地主丈夫。但Zananza之前被杀死,因此没有成为埃及新君。因此或者是Ay告诉指挥官们什么Ankhesamoun做的事情,或许两个人决定阻止Heretic Prince,因为让女王嫁给外国人会使国家感到耻辱——这是颠覆正常秩序的事故。(68)

然后Eiyi死后,没有合适继承人的情况下,Horemebebecame king. Eiyi延续了图坦卡门关于返回传统宗教习俗政策,但是 Horemebe更进一步,最终导致他们难忘的事情。(115-116)

The reign of Pharaoh Horemebe was marked by widespread plans to commemorate his rule, to restore order and rebuild the temples that had been destroyed. During his reign, tribute flowed into the land, smaller kingdoms and nations sent emissaries to maintain friendly relations with him; he was called "stern" by contemporaries. Horemebe claimed divine selection by the gods, particularly Horus (his guardian god), to bring balance back to this land. He formulated strict orthodox views on religious practices.

He returned all temple property back to their rightful priests who were seized during Amarna period under Akhetaton's regime. His reign is also marked with construction projects including repairing and starting expansion of Karnak Temple in Thebes, Nubia Temples in Egypt, Ptah Temple at Memphis as well as tombs in Memphis and Thebes.

Moreover, he ordered the destruction of Akhetaton city built by Amenhotep IV (the father of Tutankhaten) and moved Egypt's capital from Thebes back towards Memphis following a long tradition started during earlier dynasties.

All monuments erected or inscribed for previous rulers were dismantled or used as fill material for new constructions.

Like Arkenaten who commanded all signs of old gods be erased from Egyptian landscape; so too did Horemebe command that all remnants related Aten religion be erased from records after his death! This was done so successfully that later Egyptians believed him successor of Amenhotep III continuing those policies until they were discovered again around 19th century late 20th century middle!

However it was not about religion but about balance! He wanted Egypt restored like its glorious time under Amenhotep III era where Ma'at concept thrived through divine harmony among gods & humans maintaining equilibrium which gave way for peace prosperity justice law order stability security unity integrity beauty truth fairness love wisdom compassion generosity gratitude forgiveness humility patience perseverance courage strength resilience resourcefulness creativity ingenuity innovation progress growth development evolution transformation renewal rejuvenation restoration rebirth revival resurrection resurrection!