In the vast expanse of Chinese mythology, there exists a timeless tale that transcends the boundaries of time and space. It is the story of the Cowherd and Weaving Maiden, two star-crossed lovers whose love has captivated generations. This enchanting narrative finds its place within "China Mythology Stories 100," a collection of tales that delve into the rich cultural heritage of China.
The Heavenly Matchmaker
According to ancient lore, Chang'e, the goddess of the moon, was tasked with matchmaking for gods in heaven. One day, she decided to pair her celestial nephew with a mortal girl from earth named Zhinü (the Weaving Maiden). The celestial being was named Niulang (the Cowherd), who lived on earth as an ordinary cowherder.
A Forbidden Love
As fate would have it, Niulang discovered Zhinü weaving clouds by a heavenly river while he was searching for his lost oxen. Enchanted by her beauty and skills as weaver-in-chief among stars, he fell deeply in love with her. Despite knowing their love was forbidden due to their different realms—Niulang being mortal and Zhinü divine—the couple married secretly.
Their union produced twin children who were gifted with extraordinary abilities: one could ride on clouds like his mother's celestial origin; another had inherited his father's talent for farming on earth. However beautiful life seemed as they formed a loving family together amidst nature's splendor,
A Cruel Twist
Zhinü grew homesick for her parents in heaven after giving birth to their children. Longing to see them again but fearing Niulang might not understand her desire or be able resist temptation when left alone on earth with their offspring—she eventually returned home without telling him where she went or how long she'd be away.
Hurt by this sudden departure without explanation or even saying goodbye,
A Heartbreaking Reunion
Years passed before Zhinü realized that true happiness lay not just between herself & loved ones but also between people across realms & dimensions - thus deciding to return back down onto Earth once more - only this time around,
she found out about Niulang having remarried another woman called Lady Xue Jing because he thought she abandoned him forever.
Heartbroken upon learning this news at first sight,
Zhinú chose death over reuniting w/Niulang - hanging herself using silk threads made from spider webs; however,
before taking action further than attempting suicide through such means,
The Heavenly Intervention
Chang'e intervened when witnessing this heart-wrenching scene unfold between two beloved individuals brought together through destiny yet torn apart due solely based upon societal norms rather than personal feelings shared amongst themselves during those years spent living side-by-side under same sky:
Changling interceded by separating husband-wife duo permanently so they wouldn't suffer anymore pain caused primarily because humans placed expectations upon them which ultimately led them astray from each other
to live separate lives once more — though never losing hope knowing someday they may reunite if circumstances allowed otherwise